British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA) part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA)


british marine aggregate
producers association

sustainable development Biodiversity charts online The area involved
BMAPA has published its 2018 Sustainable Development report, building on the strategy first published in 2006.
Development report.....
More →
BMAPA has launched a Biodiversity Action..... More → BMAPA is now publishing active dredging zone charts.... More → BMAPA and The Crown Estate have published....... More →


The extraction of aggregates, whether from land or marine sources, creates a number of issues that have to be recognised and managed. Not least amongst these is a need to communicate the industry’s position to stakeholders ranging from coastal communities to fishermen, and to be able to respond to issues and concerns raised.

The need to demonstrate how an industry’s operations align with the wider concept of sustainable development cuts across all the other issues we have to consider.

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Tel: 0203 978 3400 Email: [email protected]