British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA) part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA)
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British Marine Aggregate Producers Association (BMAPA) part of the Mineral Products Association (MPA)


british marine aggregate
producers association

Construction Coast Protection major infrastructure projects mARINE AGGREGATES INFORMATION CENTRE
The UK’s marine aggregate industry provides around 13 million... More → Marine aggregate is playing a front-line role in replenishing Britain’s beaches... More → Marine aggregate resources can be used to provide large volumes of construction...
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A new portal is available to assist in specifying and use of marine aggregate...
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The UK’s marine aggregates industry is one of the largest in Europe and indeed the world.

Aggregates are the most widely used construction material and, after energy materials, are critical to the national economy and essential for creating and maintaining the structural framework of the built environment.

Marine aggregate in particular is a key ingredient in various concrete products, (including building blocks, pipes and paving for general building purposes), as well as replenishing Britain’s beaches and protecting our coastline.

There are also a host of other potential leisure uses for sand, notably as a top dressing for sports pitches and as fill for golf course bunkers.

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